Everything from the account details to product booking to payment flow can be seen in the component diagram. It shows how the user component connects to the other components while using the system. In the diagram, it can be seen that there are components namely product, book, customer, and account. The connected components by lines represent relationships within the systems. The component diagram below shows the structural relations between components in an online Books shop system. Component diagram for Online Books Shop Project One is the Admin, who will manage the overall application, and another is the user or customers who can buy Books. There are multiple roles in this application. This web application is developed to provide users with an online medium where they can shop for different types of books. With the help of these diagrams, one can get a better understanding of the project. activity, sequence, and use case diagrams for the Online Books Shop Project. component diagrams, and three types of behavioural UML diagrams i.e. We’ve compiled structural UML diagrams i.e.

let’s understand the flow and user role and create different types of UML diagrams. The whole idea behind the application is to manage the orders and transaction details related to the bookstore. The Online Books Shop Management application will help to manage the shop, users, books, and bookings. Components, activities, Use Cases, and Sequence(UML) diagrams for Online Book Shop Management System.